Q: I am ready to make an acupuncture appointment, is acupuncture covered by BC Medical?
A: Yes. Acupuncture is covered by the B.C. Medical Services Plan and most extended health insurance, such as WCB, ICBC, and Veteran Affairs. Please contact your insurance policy or your claim representative, and bring your claim number with you to the appointment.
Q: What is the insurance claim procedure?
A: There are two major claim procedures: In the first, the insurer asks you to pay for your treatment and to submit the receipts for reimbursement. For this policy, you need to make sure that your insurance company covers acupuncture. Know how much they pay for each treatment and how much they cover per year. The other one is, the where the insurer authorizes your acupuncturist to be directly billed to them. For this policy, you need to bring your claim number, name/phone number of your claim representative, and your family doctor's referral.
Q: What kind of insurance policy do I have?
A: You can check with your employer or your insurance company. Your acupuncturist would be happy to find that out for you too.